Successful and committed investors are looking for investment opportunities in the manufacturing, plastics, chemicals and engineering industries.
- Investment company
- Actively engaged management
- Excellent network, both nationally and internationally
- Management has extensive experience and a great ‘track record’
- Specialists in manufacturing, plastics, chemicals and engineering
- Sparring partner at all levels; financial, strategic, commercial, technical
General information
- International expansion (including Asia)
- Strengthening management
- Process optimisations
- Buy-and-build cases
- Product innovations
- Reorganisations
- Carve-outs
- Long-term horizon, focused on value creation
- Own capital, no fund structure
- Preferably majority stake
- Minority stake also possible
- Investments up to €10,000,000
Search profile
- Manufacturing industry
- Plastics (complex)
- Chemical industry
- Technology
- Turnover > €5,000,000
- EBITDA > €500,000
- Employees 10-250
- Head office preferably in the Netherlands
- Preferably branches or activities abroad, or the potential to set these up
- Desire for international, global expansion
- Acquisition of business unit (carve-out)
- Need for professionalisation of the company
- Unique product/process, distinctive ability
- Insufficient resources to realise growth potential
In addition to the general search profile, the company is also specifically looking for companies in the compound plastics industry and companies active in lighting or light fittings, such as street lighting.