Construction & Maintenance

Buying or selling a company?

A stable position in the market is preferred for companies in the construction and maintenance sector, especially given the economic challenges in recent years. This, however, does not mean that there is no progress in business acquisitions. Achieving growth by acquiring a company working in a niche is interesting for companies in construction or maintenance.

Trends and developments in construction and maintenance

The construction and maintanance sector is expected to grow; the shortages on the housing market, investments in business properties and topics such as sustainability are contributing factors. A great deal of progress is being made in the maintenance market. This progress is somewhat limited among traditional construction companies, but we foresee a higher degree of consolidation in the future.

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Sustainability and building circular

In the projects we have assisted, we have seen that construction companies are faced with rising prices of raw materials, shortages of materials (such as wood) and scarcity of staff. Not only this, but the construction sector is also struggling with other issues like the results of the crises surrounding nitrogen and PFAS. Nevertheless, we expect plenty of progress in this market in the coming years.

This expected progress is due to legislation concerning housing challenges, building circular and other forms of sustainability. To make your company ready for the future, we advise you to see what steps you can already take to make your company ready for sale, or to shape your growth ambitions by acquiring a business.

Scaling-up and niche

For maintenance companies other factors are important than for construction companies. The subscription and contract model has made its appearance in this market. Maintenance contracts make things easier for building owners and for companies in real estate maintenance this means planned recurring revenue.

There is an increased demand for maintenance companies providing all-inclusive services. This leads to a scale-up for companies developing growth ambitions by acquiring smaller companies with a niche product. Here too, a business acquisition can have more advantages than recruiting staff organically.

Buying or selling a construction company

There are various reasons why you would be considering buying or selling a construction company. Are you are a major player in this market, pursuing a buy and build strategy? We are happy to help you find suitable companies. Are you considering a partial or full sale of your company by securing a part of your pension through a pre-exit, then we will find a suitable buyer.

Marktlink: your specialist in acquisitions in construction and maintenance

Each year, more than a thousand entrepreneurs in your sector calculate their business value, using the Marktlink Multiple. In addition, we regularly guide the process of transactions of companies in construction and maintenance. As a result, we have up-to-date market knowledge and business values at our disposal, and we have a substantial portfolio of potential buyers and sellers in this sector.

Marktlink is the right place to help you realise your ambitions. Our specialists make their knowledge and experience work for you to find the right succession or realise growth ambition. Always committed, independent and professional from an entrepreneurial standpoint.

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