M&A Manchester

Marktlink supports entrepreneurs in Manchester and the North-West in seizing regional and cross-border opportunities through top-tier M&A advisory services. Our Manchester team benefits from over 25 years of local and international experience in the SME segment and targeted data analysis.

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M&A advisory Manchester

As an M&A advisor, Marktlink guides transactions into, out of, or within Manchester – from advisory and preparation to strategy development, searching for the right buyer or seller, and supporting the process up to the final stage of signing the contract and popping the champagne. You can count on us to successfully achieve your business goals.

"What Marktlink will be contributing to this exciting scene is the opportunity to genuinely leverage a huge international network with access to buyers and cross border deals, which I don’t think any other firm would be able to offer.”
- Jonny Parkinson, Managing Partner Manchester office Marktlink

Rooted in Manchester, connected globally

In M&A advisory for small and medium-sized enterprises, in-depth knowledge of the local market, specific industries, and regional culture is crucial. We are right at home in the thriving markets of for example Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and even Scotland.

Manchester is a booming area and a great place for entrepreneurs. There is a growing number of private equity houses, and the number of deals done in the North-West is multiplying every year. Thanks to the region’s vibrant and multi-faceted business landscape, Manchester and its surroundings offer clear advantages for international transactions. Marktlink combines smart data utilisation with the strength of its extensive international network to achieve the best results for our clients.

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