Calculate your company's value

What is your business worth?

Enter your company website to access your business value.

Calculated within 60 sekund!

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Reliable insights Backed by historical & real-time market data
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What is the Marktlink Multiple?

As a business owner, you are constantly focused on the growth of your company, and there may come a time when you even consider selling or merging the business. Therefore, it is always useful to have a clear understanding of your company's value. Based on smart data, broad sector knowledge, and our practical experience, we have developed the Marktlink Multiple: a unique tool that calculates the value of SMEs. Within a minute, you will receive a realistic indication and know exactly where you stand.

How does the Marktlink Multiple work?
Step 1

Enter your data

We ask you to input some data, such as EBITDA and the number of FTEs. This takes about a minute. These details remain anonymous.

Step 2

Calculate company value

Once you have entered your data, your company's value will be calculated within seconds.

Step 3

Direct result

You will immediately see the value of your company in a graph. You can also choose to receive a comprehensive report with useful information and tips by email.

Tips for increasing your company's value

The Marktlink Multiple provides you with a reliable indication of your company's value. This value is calculated based on more than 1,000 deals, 40,000 calculations per year, and current market and sector developments. You can choose to receive the report by email. It contains valuable tips to enhance your company's value.

Your data remains anonymous and is only used to calculate your company's value.

Calculate your company's value now

40,000 entrepreneurs preceded you

How reliable is the calculation of the Marktlink Multiple?

The calculations of the Marktlink Multiple are based on our own practical experience, smart data, and current market and sector developments. The data we use are always up-to-date. The indication you receive is therefore a realistic calculation of your company's value. You can also choose to receive the comprehensive report, including tips to increase your company's value, by email.

Are there any costs associated with calculating my company's value via the Marktlink Multiple?

No, there are no costs associated with the Marktlink Multiple. The tool calculates your company's value entirely without obligation. You don't pay anything for this, and you're not obliged to schedule an appointment with Marktlink. Alternatively, you can choose to receive the report, including tips to increase your company's value, by email.

How is my data handled?

The data you need to enter for the Marktlink Multiple are used solely and exclusively to calculate your personal company value. These data remain anonymous and are not used by Marktlink for any other purposes.

What is the EBITDA of my company and how do I calculate it?

Before we can calculate the value of your company, you need to enter, among other things, the EBITDA of your company. You can use our EBITDA calculator for this (you can click on it during the completion of the Marktlink Multiple). You need to enter the turnover, operating profit, and depreciation of the past year. The calculator then calculates your EBITDA directly.