M&A advice gave Logimatic founder increased muscle power in the sale to Axcel

Company Name Logimatic
Transaction Sell-side
Website Open
Sector IT & Software
Tags Strategic

35 years as owner-manager of the engineering and automation company Logimatic has undoubtedly put hair on CEO Troels Severinsen’s chest. Nevertheless, it can still be a challenge to match a strong private equity fund like Axcel when negotiating the sale of a company, and that is why he allied himself with Marktlink Denmark. Here, experienced Managing Partner, Jesper Fogh Duelund guided the seller safely through the process with expert advice.

Since 1987, Logimatic has developed complete electrical and SRO systems, SCADA systems, PLC controllers and communication networks. Through long-standing customer relationships, Logimatic has established itself as one of the market's preferred automation partners within maritime, production, utilities and energy industries. The day-to-day management of Logimatic consists of CEO Troels Severinsen in the Aalborg division and Per Ghodt in the company's division in Værløse.

Sale to secure jobs and growth

With the sale and a merger in the same process, the total staff of the group in Denmark grows from 120 to 150 employees divided between Aalborg, Værløse, Søborg, Silkeborg, Troldhede, Thisted and Randers. Troels Severinsen says: "When we chose to join Axcel's Nordic automation group, it was because we are convinced that it is the right solution to secure the jobs we have already created. At the same time, we can support the growth we aim for. I have great expectations that the business will develop significantly in the new framework. And although it may be sad for my Logimatic heart, the primary goal of this merger is to future-proof the jobs for the benefit of our employees in Aalborg and Værløse, as well as for our customers. In addition, the future set-up provides greater opportunities for professional development and sparring with other talented colleagues."

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“For most owners, their business is very close to their heart. We have focused on ensuring the basic values and good conditions for employees and existing customers.”
- Managing Partner Jesper Fogh Duelund

The right valuation

The sale process took place over six months, while the two owners continued to work in top-gear with their normal, day-to-day operations at both locations in Aalborg and Værløse. Getting Marktlink on the case was therefore also a welcome resource boost. "Marktlink gave us extra muscle power in the contract negotiations with Axcel. Their senior advisors helped to ensure that we got the right valuation of the business – and not least, that we have sold to a buyer who will develop and future-proof Logimatic with the same values on which the company is based. Marktlink has been a skilled coordinator and had our backs throughout the due diligence process. They have validated our information and relieved us administratively in an intense and thorough sale process," says Troels Severinsen.

Also an emotional process

"For most owner-managers, their business is very close to their heart – a life's work they have built from the ground up. Selling a business can be a complicated process. With this sale, we have focused on giving the owner-manager a strong voice, and we have worked hard to achieve the right agreement. It has been crucial to find the right partner who, in addition to paying the right price, can also build on the basic values of the business and ensure good conditions for employees and existing customers. We have achieved this with the sale of Logicmatic to Axcel and the simultaneous merger with Picca. Now the new group is ready for an exciting journey together to create the leading Nordic automation house," says Jesper Fogh Duelund.

Axcel's new group now consists of the two merged Danish companies Logimatic and Picca as well as Swedish-Norwegian Acobia, which Axcel acquired in March. Logimatic maintains its current activities in Aalborg and Værløse and the owners and managers continue as before with a significant ownership stake.

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